Overview – Group Menus Presentation

Restaurant for groups in Paris Latin Quarter

Paris restaurant for groups L'Escarmouche

Our menu suggestions

With these menus you will already be able to get an idea of our proposals.
Our services have many other menu items which may be more relevant to your research we will have pleasure to present to you.

These menus do not include drinks.
And we can offer you a drinks package according to your budget and taste, for example:
Kir + 1/4 wine (among our “house” selections) + 1/2 mineral water + coffee or tea

For other group menu suggestions, thank’s for contact the restaurant


Restaurant for group and banquet at Paris 5ème
40, rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève
75005 – PARIS – FRANCE

At your service :

Tel: +33 (0)
E-mail: [email protected]

All-inclusive group meal on request according to budget

HERE – Virtual visit of the restaurant