Menu group 1

Paris restaurant for groups L'Escarmouche

Group Menu LA GARDE

Traditional French menu for Lunch & Dinner

Paris Restaurant Latin Quarter

Menu of the Guard – Group menu €42,00

No Included Beverages:

Selection at reservation (48 hours in advance)


We can offer you a drinks package according to your budget and taste, for example:
Kir + 1/4 wine (among our “house” selections) + 1/2 mineral water + coffee or tea



You can also get a personalized group menu and ask the restaurant for an all-inclusive proposal according to your budget.
With the 4 private rooms we have, you can consider a room privatization for your group meal.
The restaurant is at your disposal if you want to make a prior visit and to answer all your questions.
Location: the restaurant is located between boulevard Saint-Germain (near Place Maubert) and the Panthéon, Paris 5th arrondissement.

Restaurant for groups and banquet at Paris 5th
40, rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève 
75005 – PARIS – FRANCE

At your service :

Tel: +33 (0)
E-mail: [email protected]

All-inclusive group meal on request according to budget